James Gibson » Criminal Justice Program

Criminal Justice Program

Criminal Justice Program at Wartburg Central High School

Wartburg Central High School Criminal Justice program offers students detailed insight into the American criminal justice system. Many of the students that take this class are interested in pursuing a career in law or law enforcement. These classes are beneficial to all, as it is our obligation as citizens to understand the law and our individual rights. At some point in our lives, each of us will have contact with the criminal justice system as a juror, witness, minor traffic offender, or possibly as a victim of crime.


Course Offerings

CJ 1: Introduction to Criminal Justice

This introductory course provides students with a broad overview of the criminal justice system, including its history, structure, and processes. Students will learn about the roles of various agencies and the importance of law enforcement in maintaining public order.


CJ 2: Criminology

Building on the foundational knowledge from CJ 1, this course delves into the study of crime, its causes, and its effects on society. Students will explore different theories of criminology and examine various types of crimes and their impact on communities.


CJ 3: Forensics

This advanced course focuses on the application of scientific methods and techniques in solving crimes. Students will learn about crime scene investigation, evidence collection, and forensic analysis. Practical exercises and case studies will provide hands-on experience in forensic science.


Program Benefits

Upon completing all three classes, a student may graduate having obtained a concentration in criminal justice. This program prepares students for further education and careers in criminal justice, law, and related fields.

For more information and pictures, please visit the faculty webpages on Wartburg Central High School website and go to our class website.


James "Hoot" Gibson
Criminal Justice Instructor
Wartburg Central High School